Buddleia (Butterfly Bush) – Tagged Variegated Leaves

May 17, 2018


Welcome to Pollen Bank's collection of Buddleia (Butterfly Bush) plants with variegated leaves. As a leading provider in the eCommerce & Shopping - Food & Supplements category, we are dedicated to offering a wide variety of high-quality plants to enhance your garden's beauty and attract butterflies.

About Buddleia:

Buddleia, commonly known as Butterfly Bush, is a genus of flowering plants renowned for their vibrant blooms and ability to attract butterflies. These deciduous shrubs are native to Asia, Africa, and the Americas, and they thrive in gardens worldwide.

Variegated Leaves:

The variegated leaves of Buddleia plants add an extra touch of visual interest to your garden. Variegation refers to the presence of different colors, often in the form of irregular patterns, on the foliage. This unique feature sets the variegated Butterfly Bush varieties apart from their solid-colored counterparts.

Benefits of Variegated Butterfly Bush:

1. Visual Appeal: The variegated leaves add a dynamic element to your garden, creating eye-catching combinations of colors and textures.

2. Butterfly Attraction: Like their solid-colored counterparts, variegated Butterfly Bushes are excellent magnets for butterflies. The beautiful blooms and foliage provide a valuable food source and shelter for these pollinators, adding life and movement to your outdoor space.

3. Low Maintenance: Buddleia, including variegated varieties, are known for their ability to thrive in a wide range of environments. They are generally easy to grow, requiring minimal care once established.

4. Garden Versatility: Variegated Butterfly Bushes can be used in various garden settings, including flowerbeds, borders, or even as standalone focal points. They work well in both formal and informal garden styles and can be incorporated into different planting schemes.

Choosing Your Variegated Butterfly Bush:

When selecting a variegated Butterfly Bush for your garden, consider the following factors:

1. Light Requirements:

Most Buddleia varieties prefer full sun exposure for optimal growth and flowering. Ensure your chosen location receives at least 6 hours of direct sunlight daily.

2. Size and Growth Habit:

Take into account the mature size and growth habit of the specific variegated Butterfly Bush you are interested in. Ensure it fits well within your garden space and complements existing plants.

3. Flower Color:

While the variegated foliage is the standout feature, consider the flower color as well. Buddleia blooms come in a range of hues, including purple, pink, white, and more. Choose a color that suits your personal preferences and complements your garden design.

4. Soil and Watering:

Buddleia generally thrives in well-draining soil. Ensure the soil is fertile and loamy, providing good water retention without becoming waterlogged. Regular watering is required until the plant is established, after which they exhibit some drought tolerance.

Plant Care and Maintenance:

Taking care of your variegated Butterfly Bush is relatively simple. Here are some essential tips:

1. Pruning:

Annual pruning during late winter or early spring helps maintain the plant's shape and size. Remove any dead or diseased branches, and be sure to cut back the flowering stems to encourage new growth and blooming.

2. Fertilization:

Regular fertilization with a balanced slow-release fertilizer can promote healthy growth and abundant blooms. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for proper application.

3. Pest and Disease Control:

Buddleia plants are generally resistant to pests and diseases. However, keep an eye out for common garden pests such as aphids or caterpillars and treat them promptly if necessary.

Enhancing Your Garden with Variegated Butterfly Bush:

In addition to their beauty and butterfly-attracting properties, variegated Butterfly Bushes can be combined with various other plants to create stunning garden displays. Consider pairing them with:

  • Perennials: Choose colorful perennials such as Salvia, Coreopsis, or Echinacea to create a vibrant and long-lasting flower show.
  • Grasses: Ornamental grasses like Pennisetum or Miscanthus can provide contrasting texture and height variation in your garden border.
  • Annuals: Add seasonal interest by planting annuals such as Marigolds, Petunias, or Zinnias, which will fill gaps in between Buddleia blooms.


Pollen Bank is proud to offer a diverse collection of variegated Buddleia (Butterfly Bush) plants. These visually appealing specimens with their unique foliage patterns will not only enhance the aesthetic appeal of your garden but also attract butterflies, contributing to the ecological balance in your outdoor space. Explore our selection and find the perfect variegated Butterfly Bush to create a thriving and picturesque garden.

Contact Pollen Bank today and embark on your journey to a stunning garden filled with the beauty of variegated Butterfly Bushes!